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Call for Papers is now closed

The conference is open to all those interested in offering a paper on the history of the Labour Party but with a particular focus on influences, actions and events that have shaped policy.

This conference is intended to be broad. Issues such as the class, gender and the impacts of older ideologies such as liberalism, socialism stretching back as far as the great 19th Century movements and how they impacted on the Party's development and its approach to policy making. As well as exploring the Party's ideological evolution, the conference will examine issues ranging from regional and local identity and politics, social and cultural impacts and discuss their relevance to party development.  In so doing, the conference hopes to build on Bangor University's tradition of stimulating debate and encouraging further research into Labour Party history.

Abstract Submission

All proposals should please include the following: title and name, institutional affiliation and address, and email address; together with, a paper title, an abstract of not more than 500 words, an indication of which theme(s) you are addressing, and up to five key words about your paper. Please also state whether or not you are a postgraduate student.

Abstracts (max 500 words) for papers of 30 minutes duration should be sent by 30 January 2015 to

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